Your Turn

  • Exercise: ModulesAndFunctions-6

    I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 1000.…

    The most efficient way to find the number is to guess halfway between the low and high numbers of the range. If our guess is too big, then the answer lies between the bottom of the range and one less than our guess. If our guess is too small, then the answer lies between one more than our guess and the end of the range.

    Your API will be guess(actual, range), where range is an Elixir range.

    Your output should look similar to this:

    iex> Chop.guess(273, 1..1000)
    Is it 500
    Is it 250
    Is it 375
    Is it 312
    Is it 281
    Is it 265
    Is it 273


    • You may need to implement helper functions with an additional parameter (the currently guessed number).

    • The ...

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