catch, exit, and throw

Elixir code (and the underlying Erlang libraries) can raise a second kind of error. These are generated when a process calls error, exit, or throw. All three take a parameter, which is available to the catch handler.

Here’s an example:

 defmodule​ Catch ​do
 def​ start(n) ​do
 try​ ​do
 :exit​, code -> ​"​​Exited with code ​​#{​inspect code​}​​"
 :throw​, value -> ​"​​throw called with ​​#{​inspect value​}​​"
  what, value -> ​"​​Caught ​​#{​inspect what​}​​ with ​​#{​inspect value​}​​"
 defp​ incite(1) ​do
 defp​ incite(2) ​do
 throw​ {​:animal​, ​"​​wombat"​}
 defp​ incite(3) ...

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