A Simple Process

Here’s a module that defines a function we’d like to run as a separate process:

 defmodule​ SpawnBasic ​do
 def​ greet ​do
  IO.puts ​"​​Hello"

Yup, that’s it. There’s nothing special—it’s just regular code.

Let’s fire up IEx and play:

 iex>​ c(​"​​spawn-basic.ex"​)

First let’s call it as a regular function:

 iex>​ SpawnBasic.greet

Now let’s run it in a separate process:

 iex>​ spawn(SpawnBasic, ​:greet​, [])

The spawn function kicks off a new process. It comes in many forms, but the two simplest ones let you run an anonymous function and run a named function in a module, passing a list of arguments. (We used the latter here.)


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