The Project: Fetch Issues from GitHub

GitHub provides a nice web API for fetching issues.[19] Simply issue a GET request to​user​/​project​/issues

and you’ll get back a JSON list of issues. We’ll reformat this, sort it, and filter out the oldest n, presenting the result as a table:

  # | created_at | title
 889 | 2013-03-16T22:03:13Z | MIX_PATH environment variable (of sorts)
 892 | 2013-03-20T19:22:07Z | Enhanced mix test --cover
 893 | 2013-03-21T06:23:00Z | mix test time reports
 898 | 2013-03-23T19:19:08Z | Add mix compile --warnings-as-errors

How Our Code Will Do It

Our program will run from the command line. We’ll need to pass in a GitHub ...

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