Dates and Times

Elixir 1.3 added a calendar module and four new date- and time-related types. Initially, they were little more than data holders, but Elixir 1.5 started to add some functionality to them.

The Calendar module represents the rules used to manipulate dates. The only current implementation is Calendar.ISO, the ISO-8601 representation of the Gregorian calendar.[5]

The Date type holds a year, a month, a day, and a reference to the ruling calendar.

 iex>​ d1 =, 12, 25)
 {:ok, ~D[2018-12-25]}
 iex>​ {​:ok​, d1} =, 12, 25)
 {:ok, ~D[2018-12-25]}
 iex>​ d2 = ​~​D[2018-12-25]
 iex>​ d1 == d2
 iex>​ Date.day_of_week(d1)
 iex>​ Date.add(d1, 7)
 iex>​ inspect d1, ...

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