Defining New Types

The attribute @type can be used to define new types.

 @type type_name :: type_specification

Elixir uses this to predefine some built-in types and aliases.

 @type term :: any
 @type binary :: <<_::_*8>>
 @type bitstring :: <<_::_*1>>
 @type boolean :: false | true
 @type byte :: 0..255
 @type char :: 0..0x10ffff
 @type list :: [ any ]
 @type list(t) :: [ t ]
 @type number :: integer | float
 @type module :: atom
 @type mfa :: {module, atom, byte}
 @type node :: atom
 @type timeout :: ​:infinity​ | non_neg_integer
 @type no_return :: none

As the list(t) entry shows, you can parameterize the types in a new definition. Simply use one or more identifiers as parameters on the left side, and use these identifiers where you’d otherwise ...

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