A Bigger Example

Let’s rewrite our anagram code to use both tasks and an agent.

We’ll load words in parallel from a number of separate dictionaries. A separate task handles each dictionary. We’ll use an agent to store the resulting list of words and signatures.

 defmodule​ Dictionary ​do
  @name __MODULE__
 # External API
 def​ start_link,
 do​: Agent.start_link(​fn​ -> %{} ​end​, ​name:​ @name)
 def​ add_words(words),
 do​: Agent.update(@name, &do_add_words(&1, words))
 def​ anagrams_of(word),
 do​: Agent.get(@name, &Map.get(&1, signature_of(word)))
 # Internal implementation
 defp​ do_add_words(map, words),
 do​: Enum.reduce(words, map, &add_one_word(&1, &2))
 defp ...

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