I/O, PIDs, and Nodes

Input and output in the Erlang VM are performed using I/O servers. These are simply Erlang processes that implement a low-level message interface. You never have to deal with this interface directly (which is a good thing, as it is complex). Instead, you use the various Elixir and Erlang I/O libraries and let them do the heavy lifting.

In Elixir you identify an open file or device by the PID of its I/O server. And these PIDs behave just like all other PIDs—you can, for example, send them between nodes.

If you look at the implementation of Elixir’s IO.puts function, you’ll see

 def​ puts(device \\ group_leader(), item) ​do
  erl_dev = map_dev(device)
 :io​.put_chars erl_dev, [to_iodata(item), ​?​\n]

(To see the ...

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