About the Authors

Donny Mack, native of Washington State, is one of the co-founders of DotNetJunkies.com, the training company solely dedicated to ASP.NET and ADO.NET. DotNetJunkies.com is also a free online centralized resource Website used by .NET developers to feed their .NET passion. Prior to founding DotNetJunkies.com with Doug Seven, Mack worked at Microsoft Corporation as a Visual InterDev/ASP Support Professional. Mack's need for bleeding edge technology is such that he spends his waking hours, (and some of his non-waking hours), writing code and developing content for DotNetJunkies.com. Mack's real enjoyment comes from watching attendants of DotNetJunkies.com's training courses walk away as obsessed as he is with .NET.

Doug Seven, born ...

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