Spotting Concurrency Issues

Let’s learn to identify the perils in shared mutability with an example and see how to fix those problems. We’ll refactor a piece of code that controls a fancy energy source. It allows users to drain energy, and it automatically replenishes the source at regular intervals. Let’s first glance at the code that’s crying for our help:

//Bad code
public​ ​class​ EnergySource {
private​ ​final​ ​long​ MAXLEVEL = 100;
private​ ​long​ level = MAXLEVEL;
private​ ​boolean​ keepRunning = true;
public​ EnergySource() {
new​ ​Thread​(​new​ ​Runnable​() {
public​ ​void​ run() { replenish(); }
public​ ​long​ getUnitsAvailable() { ...

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