


ArrayAppend(array, value)

Appends an element to the end of an array. Upon successful completion, ArrayAppend( ) returns a value of TRUE. Here’s an example of appending a new element to a one-dimensional array:

<CFSET Grades = ArrayNew(1)>
<CFSET Grades[1] = 95>
<CFSET Grades[2] = 93>
<CFSET Grades[3] = 87>
<CFSET Grades[4] = 100>
<CFSET Grades[5] = 74>

<B>Original Array:</B><BR>
<CFLOOP INDEX="Element" FROM="1" TO="#ArrayLen(Grades)#">
  <CFOUTPUT>Grade #Element#: #Grades[Element]#<BR></CFOUTPUT>

<P>Append the value 66 to the array:<BR>
<CFSET ArrayAppend(Grades, "66")>

<P><B>New Array:</B><BR>
<CFLOOP INDEX="Element" FROM="1" TO="#ArrayLen(Grades)#">
  <CFOUTPUT>Grade #Element#: #Grades[Element]#<BR></CFOUTPUT>

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