



Removes all data from the specified structure. Here’s an example that removes all data from a structure then tests to see whether the structure is empty:

<CFSET Stock = StructNew(  )>
<CFSET Stock.Company = "Allaire">
<CFSET Stock.Ticker = "ALLR">
<CFSET Stock.Exchange = "NASDAQ">
<CFSET Stock.Price = "66.25">
<CFSET Stock.Change = "+0.375">
<CFSET Stock.LastTradeTime = "10:17AM">
<CFSET Stock.LastTradeDate = "05/17/1999">
<CFSET Stock.Volume = "8300">

<CFSET StructClear(Stock)>

<CFIF StructIsEmpty(Stock)>
  The structure <B>Stock</B> is empty!
  The structure <B>Stock</B> contains key/value pairs.

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