



Displays a custom error page when an error occurs in a ColdFusion application. The CFERROR tag is most often included within an application’s Application.cfm template.


TYPE=" error_type "

Specifies the error type to watch for. Required. The default is Request, which handles all errors that occur during a page request. Exception handles exceptions, Monitor sets up an exception monitor, and Validation handles form validation errors that occur when a form is submitted (useful only in an Application.cfm template).

TEMPLATE=" path "

The relative path to the custom error template. Required.

When TYPE is Exception, any ColdFusion tags can be used in the exception handling template. Exception handling templates may also be invoked by specifying a Site-wide Error Handler within the Server Settings section of the ColdFusion Administrator.

When TYPE is Monitor, ColdFusion invokes the specified error handling template before processing any CFTRY/CFCATCH error handling that may be in the executing template.

When TYPE is Request, a number of variables are available in the error-handling template (listed in “Return Variables”), but no other CFML tags can be used. These variables are also available when TYPE is Exception or Monitor.

When TYPE is Validation, a number of variables are available to the validation error-handling template (listed next in “Return Variables”), but no other CFML tags may be used in the template.

EXCEPTION=" exception_type

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