


Encrypt(string, key)

Encrypts string using the specified key. Encrypt( ) uses the value of key as a seed to generate a random 32-bit key for use in an XOR-based encryption algorithm. The resulting string is then uuencoded and may be as much as three times the size of the original string. The following example takes a string and encrypts it:

<CFSET MyString = "This is the secret message.">
<CFSET MyKey = "1a2">
<CFSET EncryptedString = Encrypt(MyString, MyKey)>
<CFSET DecryptedString = Decrypt(EncryptedString, MyKey)>

<B>Original String:</B> #MyString#<BR>
<B>Key:</B> #MyKey#
<P><B>Encrypted String:</B> #EncryptedString#<BR> 
<B>Decrypted String:</B> #DecryptedString#

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