


                  StructKeyExists(structure, key)

Checks for the existence of key in the specified structure. Returns true if the key exists or false if it doesn’t. StructKeyExists( ) throws an error if the specified structure does not exist, so it’s generally a good idea to test for the existence of the structure first using IsDefined( ). The following example checks for the existence of different keys in a structure called Employee:

<cfset Employee=StructNew( )>
<cfset Employee.Name="Pere Money">
<cfset Employee.Title="President">
<cfset Employee.Department="Executive Management">
<cfset Employee.Email="">
<cfset Employee.PhoneExt="1234">
<cfif StructKeyExists(Employee, "Name")>
  The key <b>Name</b> exists in the <b>Employee</b> structure.
  The key <b>Name</b> doesn't exist in the <b>Employee</b> structure.

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