



Makes an exact copy of the specified structure. This copy isn’t by reference, meaning that any changes made to the original structure aren’t reflected in the copy. You should note that the StructCopy( ) function shouldn’t be used to copy deeply nested structures. If you need to copy nested structures, use the Duplicate( ) function instead. The following example demonstrates the use of the StructCopy( ) function:

<cfset Employee=StructNew( )>
<cfset Employee.Name="Pere Money">
<cfset Employee.Title="President">
<cfset Employee.Department="Executive Management">
<cfset Employee.Email="">
<cfset Employee.PhoneExt="1234">
<cfset EmployeeCopy = StructCopy(Employee)>
<h2>EmployeeCopy Struct</h2>
<cfdump var="#EmployeeCopy#">

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