


                  StructAppend(structure1, structure2 [, overwrite])

Appends the contents of structure2 to structure1. After completion, structure1 contains the newly appended structure while structure2 remains unchanged. Setting the optional overwrite parameter to Yes allows overwriting of existing keys/values within the appended structure. The default value for overwrite is Yes. The following example demonstrates the StructAppend( ) function:

<cfset Employee=StructNew( )>
<cfset Employee.Name="Pere Money">
<cfset Employee.Title="President">
<cfset Employee.Department="Executive Management">
<cfset ContactInfo=StructNew( )>
<cfset ContactInfo.Email="">
<cfset ContactInfo.PhoneExt="1234">
<h2>Employee Struct</h2>
<cfdump var="#Employee#">
<h2>ContactInfo Struct</h2>
<cfdump var="#ContactInfo#">
<cfset StructAppend(Employee, ContactInfo, "No")>
<h2>Appended Employee Struct</h2>
<cfdump var="#Employee#">

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