


                  Replace(string, substring1, substring2 [, scope])

Returns string with substring1 replaced by substring2 according to scope. scope may be set as either One or All, where One results in the replacement of the first occurrence of substring1, and All results in the replacement of all occurrences of substring1. The default scope is One. Replace( ) performs a case-sensitive search. The following example demonstrates this function:

<cfset MyString="This is a case-sensitive example of using the Replace 
function to replace a substring within a string.">
<cfset MySubstring1="Replace">
<cfset MySubstring2="<b>Replace</b>">
<b>String:</b> #MyString#<br>
<b>Replace:</b> #MySubstring1# with #MySubstring2#
<p>#Replace(MyString, MySubstring1, MySubstring2)#

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