



Returns the specified date/time as a real number. Storing dates in this manner allows ColdFusion to quickly and efficiently store and manipulate dates and times. The date is stored as the integer part of the number, and the time is stored as the fractional part. 0 represents 12:00 AM on 12/30/1899. The following example returns the numeric date representing 12/31/2002 at 7:00 PM:

<cfoutput>#GetNumericDate('12/31/2002 19:00:00')#</cfoutput>

7:00 PM on 12/31/2002 would be 37621.7916667. The whole part of the number represents 37621 days since 12/30/1899; 0.7916667, or 7:00 PM is obtained by dividing the hour (19) by the total number of hours in a day (24).

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