Textual Input

The cftextinput tag offers a Java control for accepting basic text input. Although it provides the same basic functionality as the cfinput and HTML input tags, cftextinput differs in that it allows you to specify a number of attributes affecting the look of both the text box and the data entered into it. Consider Example 10-5, in which two cftextinput tags are used to solicit information from a user.

Example 10-5. Creating a form using cfform and cftextinput

<!--- Check to see if form field data is being passed and if so, display it ---> <cfif IsDefined('form.Fieldnames')> <h3>You submitted:</h3> <cfoutput> MyName: #form.MyName#<br> PhoneNumber: #form.PhoneNumber# </cfoutput> <hr noshade> </cfif> <cfform action="#CGI.Script_Name#" enablecab="Yes" name="MyForm" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"> <table> <tr> <td>Name:</td> <td><cftextinput name="MyName" align="AbsMiddle" height="25" width="250" bgcolor="##C0C0C0" font="Arial" fontsize="14" bold="Yes" italic="No" textcolor="##000000" maxlength="255" required="Yes" message="You must enter your name"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Phone Number:</td> <td><cftextinput name="PhoneNumber" value="xxx-xxx-xxxx" align="AbsMiddle" height="25" width="100" bgcolor="##C0C0C0" font="Arial" fontsize="14" bold="Yes" italic="Yes" textcolor="##000000" maxlength="12" required="Yes" validate="telephone" message="You must enter your phone number as xxx-xxx-xxxx"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"></td> ...

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