Moving Beyond Simple Dispatch

Clojure’s print function prints various “sequencey” things as lists. If you wanted my-print to do something similar, you could add a method that dispatched on a collection interface high in the Java inheritance hierarchy, such as Collection:

 (require '[clojure.string :as str])
 (​defmethod​ my-print java.util.Collection [c]
  (.write *out* ​"("​)
  (.write *out* (str/join ​" "​ c))
  (.write *out* ​")"​))

Now, try various sequences to see that they get a nice print representation:

 (my-println (take 6 (cycle [1 2 3])))
 | (1 2 3 1 2 3)
 -> nil
 (my-println [1 2 3])
 | (1 2 3)
 -> nil

Perfectionist that you are, you cannot stand that vectors print with rounded braces, unlike their ...

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