Making Macros Simpler

The unless macro is a great simple example, but most macros are more complex. In this section, we’ll build a set of increasingly complex macros, introducing Clojure features as we go. For your reference, the following table summarizes the features introduced.




Auto-gensym: Inside a syntax-quoted section, create a unique name prefixed with foo.

(gensym prefix?)

Create a unique name, with optional prefix.

(macroexpand form)

Expand form with macroexpand-1 repeatedly until the returned form is no longer a macro.

(macroexpand-1 form)

Show how Clojure will expand form.

(list-frag? ~@form list-frag?)

Splicing unquote: Use inside a syntax quote to splice an unquoted list into a template.


Syntax quote: Quote form, ...

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