Use Atoms for Uncoordinated, Synchronous Updates

Atoms are a lighter-weight mechanism than refs. Where multiple ref updates can be coordinated in a transaction, atoms allow updates of a single value, uncoordinated with anything else.

You create atoms with atom, which has a signature similar to ref:

 (atom initial-state options?)
 ; options include:
 ; :validator validate-fn
 ; :meta metadata-map

Returning to our music player example, you could store the current-track in an atom instead of a ref:

 (​def​ current-track (atom ​"Venus, the Bringer of Peace"​))
 -> #​'user/current-track

You can dereference an atom to get its value, just as you would a ref:

 (deref current-track)
 -> ​"Venus, the Bringer of Peace"

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