Appendix C. DOM Reference

This Appendix assembles all DOM methods and properties exposed by JavaScript. The DOM used is the W3C DOM supported by recent versions of Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Safari/Konqueror, and Opera. Methods and properties that are not supported by either of the two “main” browsers—Internet Explorer and Mozilla brands—are not mentioned.

Square brackets [] denote an array; parentheses ( ) indicate a method.

Generic Methods and Properties

The methods and properties in this section exist for all DOM elements.





Appends a child node to the element


Appends data (HTML or text) to a node; does not overwrite existing data

blur( )

Removes the focus from the element

click( )

Simulates a click on the element


Creates a copy of the node (if deep is true, all subnodes are copied as well)

deleteData(start, length)

Deletes a number of characters from the data in a node

focus( )

Gives the focus to the element


Returns the value of the given attribute


Returns the node containing the given attribute


Returns an array of all elements with the given tag name

hasChildNodes( )

Returns a value that indicates whether the element has subnodes


Inserts a node before the element

insertData(position, data)

Inserts data (HTML or text) at a certain position


Removes the given attribute and its value from the element

removeChild(node) ...

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