
Appendix A Reserved Words

The following identifiers are reserved words—identifiers with predefined meanings in the C++ language. The programmer cannot declare them for other uses (for example, variable names) in a C++ program.

and           double            not                 this
and_eq        dynamic_cast      not_eq              throw
asm           else              operator            true
auto          enum              or                  try
bitand        explicit          or_eq               typedef
bitor         export            private             typeid
bool          extern            protected           typename
break         false             public              union
case          float             register            unsigned
catch         for               reinterpret_cast    using
char          friend            return              virtual
class         goto              short               void
compl         if                signed              volatile
const         inline            sizeof              wchar_t
const_cast    int               static              while
continue      long              static_cast         xor
default       mutable           struct              xor_eq
delete        namespace         switch
do            new               template

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