Registering an AMI

Once your AMI files have been uploaded to S3, the last step necessary to make your own AMI ready for use is to register it. The registration step tells the EC2 service where to find the image’s manifest file and, through this, all the other image files.

You can register your AMI using the RegisterImage API method described in Managing and Sharing AMIs” in Chapter 5, or you can use the ec2-register command provided with Amazon’s tools. To use the API method, you would run the following commands in interactive Ruby:

irb> require 'EC2'
irb> ec2 =
irb> ec2.register_image('TargetBucketName/my-ami-filename.img.manifest.xml')

When you register your image, the service will respond with the identifier assigned to your AMI. This identifier will also appear in the list provided by the DescribeImages API action. To make it easier to find your AMI in the images listing, use the value self in the image owners filter to display only your own images.

irb> ec2.describe_images(:owners => 'self')

Once your AMI is registered, you will be able to start instances based on this image, complete with all the changes you have applied.

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