
1. setup_adc_ports(AN0);

Reference=5 V, resolution=5/1024=4.88 mV/bit.

2. Resolution=4.096/1024=4.00 mV/bit, conversion factor = 0.004.

(a) float volts,input;

(b) volts=input*0.004;

3. enable_interrupts(int_AD);



void isrADC(){}

4. Using the ADC interrupt, the program is more efficient because time is not wasted in polling the ADC, and the ADC result can be processed as soon as it is available.

5. 16-bit maximum count=65,536, remaining count=65,536−15,536=5,000.

Instruction clock=8/4=2 MHz.

Clock period after prescale=16/2=8 μs.

Timer period=5000×8=40 ms.

6. The Capture mode uses an input bit change to trigger the capture of the current timer reading, transferring it into the preload registers for processing. This mode ...

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