Review Questions

3.15 Which of the following expressions evaluates to true?

Select the two correct answers.

  1. (false | true)

  2. (null != null)

  3. (4 <= 4)

  4. (!true)

  5. (true & false)

3.16 Which statements are true?

Select the two correct answers.

  1. The remainder operator % can only be used with integral operands.

  2. Identifiers in Java are case insensitive.

  3. The arithmetic operators *, /, and % have the same level of precedence.

  4. A short value ranges from -128 to +127 inclusive.

  5. (+15) is a legal expression.

3.17 Which statements are true about the lines of output printed by the following program?
 public class BoolOp { static void op(boolean a, boolean b) { boolean c = a != ...

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