
First and foremost, I would like to thank my parents for not supporting my childhood interest in computers at first. Only in this way did I become insanely interested and motivated in programming even without knowing anyone else that had a computer.

I want to thank Chris Webb for giving me the opportunity to become an author. I also want to thank Kenyon Brown, Michael Morton, and everyone else at Wiley. It was an absolute pleasure to work with all of you.

I would also like to thank my colleagues and friends for supporting me in my game projects. Thanks to Enrico Ciesiek for helping me out with the chapters and thanks to Christoph Rienaecker for giving me so many cool 3D models for my games. Thanks also fly out to Boje Holtz, Leif Griga, and Manuel Nitschke for testing and feedback.

Without the hard work of the XNA team, and also the .NET, DirectX, and Xbox 360 teams at Microsoft, this book would not have been possible. They are not only responsible for creating XNA, DirectX, .NET, and many other frameworks that made this book and the games in it as useful as they are, but they are also incredibly cool guys, who are easy to talk to and very supportive. I especially want to thank Christina Storm, Tom Miller, Mitch Walker, Dave Mitchell, Dirk Primbs, and Uwe Baumann at Microsoft.

Finally, I want to thank my family and friends for supporting me while I was writing the book. I'm sure it couldn't have been easy to see me go for days without sleep. In a way, this is my gift ...

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