Chapter 10

R&D Gateway Process


  • Coordinating activity streams that need to be accomplished across multiple teams
  • Implementing a Master workflow process that coordinates inputs and outputs across multiple child workflows
  • Aggregating results of multiple activity streams and providing users or management with a consolidated view of data collected
  • Applying a scoring strategy to define objective weighted measurements to knowledge worker activities

This chapter demonstrates how SharePoint workflows can cooperate to solve more complex business problems, and how to enable communication between workflows. This capability enables some new technical and business patterns that you can use to address more complex business processes without making the technology solution difficult to maintain.


Successful organizations recognize that to remain competitive, they must continuously innovate. Ideas to improve or create new products and services can come from many sources: social media, customer relationships, and competitive analyses, and internally from managers and employees.

Management faces the challenge of having limited resources to invest in new ideas. It is not enough that an idea be “good”; often too many good ideas exist to match available resources. Management must have a repeatable process to measure the viability of new ideas and enable them to easily identify the best ideas that can produce results for the ...

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