9.10. Summary

Access to data stores in Windows PowerShell is built on providers. Providers are .NET programs that allow PowerShell users to access data in a data store and present that data in a way similar to a file system.

I introduced you to several cmdlets that allow you to access data when using Windows PowerShell or navigate a data store:

  • get-psdrive — Finds what PowerShell drives are available

  • set-location — Sets a location

  • get-childitem — Retrieves information about child items of a specified location

  • get-content — Retrieves content from a file

  • measure-object — Allows you to calculate and display summary information about, for example, a file

  • new-item — Allows you to create a new item, for example, a file or folder

  • new-psdrive — Allows you to create a new custom drive

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