
Any complex task, including the creation and production of a computer book, is a team effort and I would like to thank several individuals who have helped me produce this book. The book has been a long time in gestation in part due to the timescale of the development of Windows PowerShell 1.0 but in part due to pressures on my time around important milestones. I would like to thank everyone for their patience through a long process.

First, I would like to thank Chris Webb, Executive Editor at Wrox who invited me to write the book.

I would also like to thank Tom Dinse, senior development editor at Wrox, who helped mold my draft text in useful ways, made many helpful suggestions along the way and kept me right about series guidelines.

The technical editors had a hard time, since I wrote several different drafts against intermediate development builds of PowerShell. Over the months, the development team at Microsoft made many changes to help improve the product, but each time they changed cmdlet and parameter names there was a whole series of changes across multiple chapters to be identified by the author and technical editors. I would particularly like to thank Joel Stidley whose comments on later drafts were invariably pertinent and who picked up a good number of changes that I had missed as I went through chapters to reflect changes in the final release of Windows PowerShell 1.0. Thomas Lee did a manful job of working with earlier drafts. Any remaining errors or ...

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