Chapter 21

Silverlight for Windows Embedded


  • Introducing the Silverlight for Windows Embedded user interface development framework
  • Using Silverlight for Windows Embedded development environment and tools

Silverlight is a user interface (UI) development framework that enables the designer and developer to work in parallel, leveraging the designer’s graphic and artistic skill to create compelling UI for the application without the need to understand the application’s complex programming logic and code. This enables the developers to do what they do best: write code, without being hindered by graphic design and related tasks.

Silverlight for Windows Embedded is an UI development framework for Windows Embedded Compact designed specifically to support embedded devices. Silverlight technology and development scenarios are broad subjects that can span across multiple books. It’s not within this chapter’s intention to cover Silverlight technology in detail.

This chapter provides a brief overview of Silverlight for Windows Embedded, talks about the differences between Silverlight for Windows desktop versus Silverlight for Windows Embedded, and offers a starting point to help you begin developing with Silverlight for Windows Embedded.

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