A great deal of effort has been expended to structure the information in this book so that each chapter builds upon the lessons in the previous one. The first chapters are designed to provide a foundation built on the importance of test-driven development and the underlying skills needed to effectively practice it. Each chapter and section build on a concept such as dependency injection and mocking until you've been exposed to all the necessary tools and techniques to practice test-driven development.

Incorporating the test-driven development skills taught in the previous chapters, Part III demonstrates how to practice test-driven development with several of Microsoft's frameworks aimed at developing interfaces for applications, including ASP.NET MVC, WPF, and WCF.

The book ends with an appendix that lists some alternative tools that can help you develop applications using test-driven development. It also lists potential user stories to use as practice if you are not in a position to use test-driven development in your everyday work.

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