Starting the Sample Application


  • How business requirements drive features that define unit tests
  • What steps to take before application development begins
  • How to make decisions about application technologies
  • How user stories drive agile application development methodologies
  • Why project organization is important and what to keep in mind when creating your project

Before you write a single line of code for an application, you must complete many tasks. An application is defined by a set of functional business requirements and a set of nonfunctional, technical requirements. The functional requirements describe what the application must do to meet the business's needs. The nonfunctional requirements describe a set of conditions or parameters within which the application must exist. After this information is gathered, functional requirements are used to create user stories, which are decomposed into features that are assigned to developers to be built. Nonfunctional requirements are used to determine the application platform and structure, as well as what frameworks, if any, should be used in the application.

In this chapter you see the various steps and decisions that are necessary before starting to write an application. You'll be given an insight into a working agile implementation. You'll see what decisions are made before the topic of technology is even discussed, and how the proper technology is chosen once those decisions are made. Finally, you'll ...

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