2.8. SQL Server Profiler

I can't tell you how many times this one has saved my bacon by telling me what was going on with my server when nothing else would. It's not something a developer (or even a DBA for that matter) will tend to use every day, but it's extremely powerful and can be your salvation when you're sure nothing can save you.

SQL Server Profiler is, in short, a real-time tracing tool. Whereas the Performance Monitor is all about tracking what's happening at the macro level — system configuration stuff — the Profiler is concerned with tracking specifics. This is both a blessing and a curse. The Profiler can, depending on how you configure your trace, give you the specific syntax of every statement executed on your server. Now, imagine that you are doing performance tuning on a system with 1,000 users. I'm sure you can imagine the reams of paper that would be used to print out the statements executed by so many people in just a minute or two. Fortunately, the Profiler has a vast array of filters to help you narrow things down and track more specific problems — for example: long-running queries or the exact syntax of a query being run within a stored procedure (which is nice when your procedure has conditional statements that cause it to run different things under different circumstances).

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