14.5. Telerik RadEditor Lite for MOSS

The previous section covered the different customization options available to developers when using the HTML Editor field control. One of the most significant pain points associated with this control is that it is only supported for use within Internet Explorer. Other browsers, including the Mozilla-based browsers such as Firefox and Apple's Safari, are not supported and can't offer a full hassle-free experience. To address this issue, Microsoft has worked out an arrangement with Telerik (www.andrewconnell.com/go/253) to provide an HTML Editor field control feature equivalent, yet cross-browser, experience.

The Telerik RadEditor Lite for MOSS is available as a free downloadable add-on to anyone who has a valid MOSS 2007 license (it is not available for WSS 3.0-only installations). The RadEditor Lite for MOSS is a slimmed-down version of the more robust and commercial RadEditor for MOSS product. Like the HTML Editor field control, the RadEditor Lite can be customized in many of the same ways.

It is recommended that developers use the Telerik RadEditor Lite for MOSS in lieu of the Microsoft-provided HTML Editor field control. The RadEditor Lite for MOSS enables developers to provide a pure cross-browser authoring experience while leveraging the same customization techniques that the MOSS HTML Editor field control offers, such as custom CSS styles and custom buttons.

Go to the SharePoint 2007 section of the Telerik Web site (www.andrewconnell.com/254 ...

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