8.5. Resources

Prototype and script.aculo.us are JavaScript libraries distributed with Rails. Prototype's home page (which includes API documentation) is www.prototypejs.org. The home page for script.aculo.us is (conveniently) http://script.aculo.us. Both of these libraries are sometimes updated on a different schedule than Rails releases, so it's worth keeping an eye on them.

You can find documentation and other information about the Prototip library at www.nickstakenburg.com/projects/prototip. Control.Model lives at http://livepipe.net/projects/control_modal, with a complete list of options and parameters.

The ARTS plugin was introduced by its author, Kevin Clark, at http://glu.ttono.us/articles/2006/05/29/guide-test-driven-rjs-with-arts. There seems to be very little online discussion of assert_select_rjs, however.

The Ruby on Rails Security Project has a blog at www.rorsecurity.info, which frequently discusses JavaScript bases security issues. A good description of various types of XSS attacks is available at http://ha.ckers.org/blog/category/webappsec/xss/.

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