Part I: Getting Started

Chapter 1: NoSQL: What it is and Why You Need it

Definition and Introduction

Sorted Ordered Column-Oriented Stores

Key/Value Stores

Document Databases

Graph Databases


Chapter 2: Hello NoSQL: Getting Initial Hands-on Experience

First Impressions — Examining Two Simple Examples

Working with Language Bindings


Chapter 3: Interfacing and Interacting with NoSQL

If No SQL, Then What?

Language Bindings for NoSQL Data Stores


Part II: Learning the NoSQL Basics

Chapter 4: Understanding the Storage Architecture

Working with Column-Oriented Databases

HBase Distributed Storage Architecture

Document Store Internals

Understanding Key/Value Stores in Memcached and Redis

Eventually Consistent Non-relational Databases


Chapter 5: Performing CRUD Operations

Creating Records

Accessing Data

Updating and Deleting Data


Chapter 6: Querying NoSQL Stores

Similarities Between SQL and MongoDB Query Features

Accessing Data from Column-Oriented Databases Like HBase

Querying Redis Data Stores


Chapter 7: Modifying Data Stores and Managing Evolution

Changing Document Databases

Schema Evolution in Column-Oriented Databases

HBase Data Import and Export

Data Evolution in Key/Value Stores


Chapter 8: Indexing and Ordering Data Sets

Essential Concepts Behind a Database Index

Indexing and Ordering in MongoDB

Creating and Using Indexes in MongoDB

Indexing and Ordering in CouchDB

Indexing in Apache Cassandra


Chapter 9: Managing ...

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