

posix_spawn, posix_spawnp — spawn a process (ADVANCED REALTIME)


SPN #include <spawn.h>

    int posix_spawn(pid_t *restrict pid,  const char *restrict path,
        const posix_spawn_file_actions_t *file_actions,
        const posix_spawnattr_t *restrict attrp,
        char *const argv[restrict],  char *const envp[restrict]);
    int posix_spawnp(pid_t *restrict pid,  const char *restrict file,
        const posix_spawn_file_actions_t *file_actions,
        const posix_spawnattr_t *restrict attrp,
        char *const argv[restrict],  char * const envp [restrict]);


The posix_spawn() and posix_spawnp() functions shall create a new process (child process) from the specified process image. The new process image shall be constructed from a regular executable file called the new process image file.

When a C program is executed as the result of this call, it shall be entered as a C-language function call as follows:

int main (int argc,  char *argv[]) ;

where argc is the argument count and argv is an array of character pointers to the arguments themselves. In addition, the following variable:

extern char **environ;

shall be initialized as a pointer to an array of character pointers to the environment strings.

The argument argv is an array of character pointers to null-terminated strings. The last member of this array shall be a null pointer and is not counted in argc. These strings constitute the argument list available to the new process image. The value in argv[0] should point to a filename that is associated with the process ...

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