

pthread_condattr_getpshared, pthread_condattr_setpshared — get and set the process-shared condition variable attributes


THR TSH #include <pthread.h>

        int pthread_condattr_getpshared(const pthread_condattr_t *restrict attr,
        int *restrict pshared);
        int pthread_condattr_setpshared(pthread_condattr_t *attr,
            int pshared);


The pthread_condattr_getpshared() function shall obtain the value of the process-shared attribute from the attributes object referenced by attr. The pthread_condattr_setpshared() function shall set the process-shared attribute in an initialized attributes object referenced by attr.

The process-shared attribute is set to PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED to permit a condition variable to be operated upon by any thread that has access to the memory where the condition variable is allocated, even if the condition variable is allocated in memory that is shared by multiple processes. If the process-shared attribute is PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE, the condition variable shall only be operated upon by threads created within the same process as the thread that initialized the condition variable; if threads of differing processes attempt to operate on such a condition variable, the behavior is undefined. The default value of the attribute is PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE.


If successful, the pthread_condattr_setpshared() function shall return zero; otherwise, an error number shall be returned to indicate the error.

If successful, the pthread_condattr_getpshared

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