<A> (anchor), 202

ABS( ) function, 790

account management, Native mode

application database account, 585–586

service accounts, 583–584

unattended execution account, 586–587

ACOS( ) function, 790

ActiveSubscriptions table, 65

ad hoc report design, 446

Add Web Reference dialog, 638

Advanced tab (PowerPivot window)

Default Field Set command, 362

ImageURL command, 363

Perspectives command, 362

Show Implicit Measures command, 362

Summarize By command, 362

Table Behavior command, 362

AGGREGATE function, 287–288

aggregate functions, 194–195

aggregate totals, 194–195

aggregation functions

AVG( ), 784

COUNT( ), 784

COUNT_BIG( ), 784

GROUPING( ), 784

MAX( ), 784

MIN( ), 784

STDEV( ), 784

STDEVP( ), 784

SUM( ), 784

VAR( ), 785

VARP( ), 785

ALTER TABLE syntax, 766

Analysis Services, 9

cube, 264

Power View and, 430–431

reporting, reasons for, 264–265

Reporting Services and, 266

Tabular mode

deploying PowerPivot workbook to, 440–442

installation, 437–440

Angry Koala Cube Surfer report, 345–346

animated timeline charts, 416–418

application database account, 585–586

application databases, 64

backup and recovery, 590–592

ReportServer, 65–66

ReportServerTempDB, 66

applications, reports and, 6–7

integration, 8–9

launching from apps, 7

user interaction, 7–8

APP_NAME( ) function, 798

area charts, 233–234, 237

ASCII( ) function, 796

ASIN( ) function, 790

ASSEMBLYPROPERTY( ) function, 792

AsymKey_ID( ) function, 786

AsyncReader parameter, 628

ATAN( ) function, 790

ATN2( ) function, 790

authentication ...

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