Appendix A. MDX Functions

SQL Server Analysis Services 2008 supports several MDX functions that are used in MDX expressions and queries. You had an overview of the MDX functions in Chapter 3. Appendix A is a detailed reference to the functions and operators of standard MDX, and extensions as implemented in Microsoft's Analysis Services 2008. We thank Microsoft for providing the MDX Function and Operator reference content. The appendix lists the functions and operators in alphabetical order, along with any arguments and the result's data type. We have included a pair of indexes at the beginning to help you navigate the appendix. We have also provided examples to illustrate how the MDX functions can be used. Most of the examples provided use the sample Analysis Services project shipped with SQL Server 2008.

Appendix A is available for download from the companion web site of the Professional SQL Server Analysis Services 2008 with MDX book at Appendix A has been provided as a download rather than part of the book (as was the case in Professional SQL Server Analysis Services 2005 with MDX). We made this decision in the interest of providing more content relevant to SQL Server Analysis Services 2008 and additional scenarios that can help you understand Analysis Services. We hope you will find the downloadable appendix to be practical and convenient.

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