2.8. Troubleshooting a Failed Install

SETUP.EXE compresses all the log files for each execution of setup into a single CAB file.

It is possible for setup to fail prior to creating the CAB file. If this is the case, the files will still exist singly.

The CAB files will be in the following directory:

"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Files

The format of the CAB file name is as follows:


The XXXX in the file name is a number incremented each time setup is run. You will be looking for the most recent CAB file. If setup fails, here are the initial troubleshooting steps PSS recommends:

  1. The first and best place to get information is via the Web. Google for the error number. In addition, go specifically to the Microsoft Knowledge Base and search for the error number there.

  2. The setup installs the components, each in its own MSI. The status of each of these installations is included in the Summary.txt file. Get it from the most recent SQLSetup[XXXX]_[Machine]_logs.cab. Each of the component installs should have a summary that looks like the following:

    Machine         : AMDF2002
    Product         : Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Data Transformation Services
    Product Version: 10.00.xxxx
    Install         : Successful
    Log File        : D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup
  3. You ...

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