
As a team, we would like to thank all of the people at Wrox for making this book a possibility. First, to Jim Minatel, our first contact into Wrox and for hearing our idea and putting us in contact with the right people. To Katie Mohr for being the right people. Besides signing off on the idea and walking it through the official approval process, she provided a wealth of understanding and guidance when we needed it. To Kelly Talbot, our development editor, for first and foremost making sure what we say makes sense (and is, in fact, what we meant to say). He also was there with us through the whole process and gave invaluable advice and was forgiving when we missed deadlines (more often than we should admit). He never gave up on us and kept us motivated (and provided the occasional shove when we needed that, too). To John Ross for stepping in at the last minute to write Appendix A for us, which really helps make this manuscript a complete work. To our technical editors, Doug Holland and Andrew Connell, for making sure what we say is factually sound and technologically correct. Without all of you guys, this book would not have happened, and we sincerely appreciate every one of your contributions.

I want to start off by thanking the writing team for their dedication and hard work at getting this book finished. There were many nights I was up writing at 2 and 3 a.m. (or even 4 and 5 a.m.) and could look in my IM client and see them up doing the same. And, in that same ...

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