1.2. New Functions

Here is a comprehensive list of all the new functions in PHP5, with the exception of those requiring extensions:

  • array_combine(): Combines two arrays into one and uses one array for values, the other for keys.

  • array_diff_uassoc(): Determines the differences between two or more arrays with additional key comparison, determined by the named function.

  • array_udiff(): Determines the differences between two or more arrays by using a named function for data comparison.

  • array_udiff_assoc(): Determines the differences between two or more arrays with additional key comparison and by using a named function for data comparison.

  • array_udiff_uassoc(): Determines the differences between two or more arrays with additional key comparison using a named function and by using a named function for data comparison.

  • array_uintersect(): Determines the intersection between two or more arrays by using a named function for data comparison.

  • array_uintersect_assoc(): Determines the intersection between two or more arrays with additional key comparison and by using a named function for data comparison.

  • array_uintersect_uassoc(): Determines the intersection between two or more arrays with additional key comparison using a named function and by using a named function for data comparison.

  • array_walk_recursive(): Applies a named function recursively to each element of an array.

  • convert_uudecode(): Decodes a uuencoded string.

  • convert_uuencode(): Uuencodes a string.

  • curl_copy_handle(): Copies a cURL handle ...

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