
Thanks to my lovely wife for putting up with me for the past few years, and being so supportive. I'd also like to thank my co-authors for their great work and the time they spent working on this project. Also, thanks to the folks at Wiley for giving us a chance, and big thanks to Brian for his huge help and having faith in us.—Jason Gerner

I'd like to thank my parents, who always made me feel cool, even though I am and always will be a geek. I'd also like to thank my husband and kids for taking care of me when I'm stressed out, and for being my comic relief. Thanks also to Jason and Brian for bringing our book in for a landing.—Elizabeth Naramore

I would like to thank Scott and the rest of the crew from HIT Studios not least for introducing me to this "PHP" thingy; my fellow authors for inviting me on this gig even after they saw my writing; Karl Gustafson of the University of Colorado for a piece of advice years ago, though he no doubt has no idea what I'm talking about; and my friends and family who really are a life support system—especially my grandmother Doris Madeline Rachael Shipton (1918–2005).—Morgan L. Owens

Special thanks go to Sam Foster, who worked with me via email when we were initially trying to determine best practices with XMLHTTP and XMLHttpRequest object use, during a time when there was very little documentation on the subject. His ideas inspired many aspects of the design of the RemoteConnection object.—Matt Warden

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