Modifying the Existing UI

Here is a skeleton code framework for modifying existing menus:

Public Sub MakeWeeChange()
    Dim UIObj As Visio.UIObject
    Set UIObj = Visio.Application.BuiltInMenus
        ' <make modifications>
    Visio.Application.SetCustomMenus UIObj
End Sub

It is important that you do not forget to use the SetCustomMenus method of the application object. Failing to do so will fail to activate your changes.

Listing 19.1 is a full code example of adding a “demo” menu to the existing menu sets for the current diagram. The menu item runs a VB add-on called DispName.EXE.

Listing 19.1. Adding a Menu to Visio
 Sub AddAWeeDemoMenu() Dim appVisio As Visio.Application Dim UIObj As Visio.UIObject 'Contains the UI object Dim menuSetsObj As Visio.MenuSets ...

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