chapter 16

Panavision Panaflex 35mm Cameras and Magazines


Golden Panaflex/Golden Panaflex II (G2) (Figs. 16–1a, 16–1b), Platinum Panaflex (Figs. 16–2a, 16–2b, 16–2c), and Panaflex-X (Fig. 16–3a, 16–3b) Cameras.

NOTE: All directions are from Operator’s point of view.

The Golden Panaflex, Golden Panaflex II (G2), Platinum Panaflex, and Panaflex-X are basically the same camera. Their differences are noted as follows:

The Golden Panaflex has (a) groundglass (aspect ratio) markings that can be clearly defined in low-light-level situations by illuminating the outline of the field (manufacturer calls this feature “Panaglow”); (b) viewfinder controls (ratio selector, magnification knob, contrast filters) ...

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