19.7. Implementation and Testing

Since you want comments to be loaded whenever a post is selected, you need to trigger the LoadCommentsEvent whenever this occurs. Since you already have a command class for setting the current posts, you can dispatch the LoadCommentsEvent there. Edit the execute function of the SetCurrentPostCommand to match the following:

public function execute(event:CairngormEvent):void
            var evt:SetCurrentPostEvent = event as SetCurrentPostEvent;
            this.model.currentPost = evt.post;
            new LoadCommentsEvent(this.model.currentPost).dispatch();

Make sure that Flex has added the import statements for you.

Now, whenever a post is selected, the associated comments will be loaded as well. However, you'll recall that when you created the LoadRecentPostsCommand, you directly set the currentPost property of the ModelLocator. This would not cause the LoadCommentsEvent in the SetCurrentPostEvent to be triggered. Having the LoadRecentPostsCommand dispatch a SetCurrentPostEvent rather than directly updating the ModelLocator can fix this. Edit the result function of the LoadRecentPostsCommand to match the following:

public function result(data:Object):void
            var evt:ResultEvent =  data as ResultEvent;
            if (evt.result.posts){
                this.model.recentPosts.source = evt.result.posts;

Make sure that Flex has added the import statements for you.

Now that the SetCurrentPostEvent ...

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